
Queqi Media Culture: China-Thailand Strategic Cooperation Starts Three New Growth Points Following Tourism

Category: Travel & Leisure
Posted Aug 24, 2019 11:04 (GMT +7)


After extending landing visa’s free policy, Thailand planned to offer “one-year free visa” to Chinese tourists.

According to Thailand media reports, Thailand’s Minister of Tourism and Sports recently submitted a bill to Thai Prime Minister Prayuth to introduce a one-year free visa policy for Chinese and Indian tourists. The move was aimed at stimulating the development of Thailand’s tourism industry as a whole and striving to achieve a tourism revenue of 3.4 trillion baht.

Earlier, Piphat said the lasting impact on Thailand’s tourism development, including economic problems, foreign tourists’ confidence problems, the appreciation of the Thai baht, Chinese tourists’ suspension of travel to Thailand. Therefore, the department planned to introduce a one-year free visa policy and replace the free visa on arrival policy that expires on October 31, 2019.

Not only does Thailand want to boost tourism exchanges with China, the relationship between China and Thailand has been stable. In recent years, with the in-depth development of Sino-Thai relations, the cooperation between the two sides has gone far beyond tourism and agricultural trade. China hopes not only that Thailand will become more prosperous, but also that Thailand will become safer and more innovative. China-Thailand cooperation is moving towards three more strategic areas.

The first is military security cooperation. The long-term stability of China-Thailand relationship has enabled the two countries to form a firm strategic mutual trust. In the future, China and Thailand are expected to carry out more extensive military equipment cooperation, including supporting Thailand in building its own military industry chain and jointly developing weapons and equipment.

The second is medical cooperation. In August 2019, the China-Thailand Joint Research Institute of Natural Medicine held an opening ceremony in Bangkok, which will help promote the health cooperation between the two countries and the industrialization of natural medicines.

Finally, cooperation in scientific and technological innovation. The implementation of protectionism by the U.S. in the field of science and technology has brought about new changes in global science and technology cooperation, while Thailand, due to its political neutrality, will play a more important role in the future.

View source version on businesswire.com: https://www.businesswire.com/news/home/20190823005376/en/



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